MAXIMUS FORECASH is a powerful cash forecasting solution which can predict the requirement for cash at the different terminals, based on historical dispense patterns and time of the day/month considerations. FORECASH is powered by AI/ML to study consumer behaviour, make data patterns, do predictive analysis and help predict cashouts.

MAXIMUS FORECASH helps banks, MSPs and WLA operators to manage cash better and reduce cash holding cost and CRA visits.

How it works


ATMs, locations and routes are created with ATMs assigned to locations and locations assigned to routes.


Past period and future periods are created. Raw data in CSV format is imported and consolidated per ATM ID and past period ID.


Consolidation generates required data cubes and future values are generated with a combination of ATM ID, past period ID and future period ID.


Replenishment can be generated every day/week as required depending on the replenishment cycle. Faulty or dysfunctional ATMs can be omitted.


  • Provides banks and ATM owners with the advantage of optimizing the cash levels maintained in the ATMs.
  • Banks do not need to incur the costs of loss of opportunity or customer dissatisfaction due to cash outages.
  • Multiple replenishment trips are normalized, and emergency trips are minimized. This leads to minimization of cash handling costs.
  • Can process large number of records and give freedom to the user to concentrate on other strategic aspects.
  • Increases ATM network operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Remote Management Highlights

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